Edgeuno provides Edge, Cloud, and Connectivity services on the fastest network in Latin America.

Edgeuno provides Edge, Cloud, and Connectivity services on the fastest network in Latin America. They offer a variety of services, including:
Cloud Solutions: Their VPS and Cloud solutions are deployed region-wide in over 50+ of their Tier III and IV locations, delivering a highly available and secure platform that provides you with the resources you need to instantly deploy, scale, and manage your content, applications, and micro-services.
Their cloud apps start at $43, virtual private cloud starts at $123.40, and public cloud starts at $60.
Connectivity And Network Solutions: EdgeUno’s network reaches locations and other networks that most can only dream of. With Metro, Long Haul, and International Capacity instantly available, they are ready to deliver your business’s Connectivity needs.
Edge Solutions: From Colocation to ready-to-go and custom Bare Metal services, they get you closer to your customers with their edge-focused Infrastructure as a Service.
They operate in 15 countries with 30+ data centers. Industry leaders trust them and are revolutionizing how people experience the internet in Latin America.