When it comes to finding server hosting for your favourite games GameHosting.co should be your first stop. Providing game hosting for all budgets and all genres of games.

GameHosting is a service that provides hosting for game servers. Many companies offer GameHosting services, such as GameHosting Italia, Host Havoc, and Shockbyte. These companies offer a range of products, including game servers, voice servers, Minecraft servers, and VPS (Virtual Private Servers) for Linux and Windows.
For beginners who want to use hosting or VPS to create and manage their websites, several resources are available to help you get started. One such resource is a video guide on YouTube titled “Hosting A Dedicated Game Server – Beginner’s Guide To Get You Started” by LDSreliance. This guide goes through the 5 steps to hosting a game server at your home, including getting hardware, installing an operating system, installing server software, configuring and customizing the server, and port forwarding.
Another resource is an article by Liquid Web titled “How To Make a Private Gaming Server at Home,” which provides a comprehensive guide to starting a gaming server. This article discusses the pros and cons of making your server, the hardware required for an at-home server build, how to set up a game server for Steam and non-Steam games, and general dedicated game server tips.
In summary, GameHosting is a service that provides hosting for game servers. Many companies offer this service with a range of products. For beginners who want to use hosting or VPS to create and manage their websites, several resources are available to help you get started.