Solar Communications

Solar Communications

Take a step forward Into the future of dedicated hosting solutions and internet security. Top notch equipment and state or the art web security at affordable prices. No Compromises.

Solar Communications

Solar Communications GmbH is a web-hosting company based in Switzerland. They offer many products and services, including dedicated servers, VPS, cloud hosting, DDoS protection, and Hosting.

According to customer reviews on Trustpilot, Solar Communications GmbH has an overall rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars. Customers have praised the company for its fast servers, great services, and excellent prices. One customer even mentioned that Solarcom provides the fastest servers with the best prices.

However, one customer had a negative experience with the company’s policy on Tor usage. The customer found it confusing that the company boasts privacy and accepts many cryptocurrencies but strictly prohibits Tor usage during sign-up.

Solar Communications GmbH responded to this review by explaining that they have restricted registrations from Tor addresses due to past abuses from users registering with the Tor browser.

In conclusion, Solar Communications GmbH seems to be a reliable web hosting company with mostly positive customer reviews. They offer a wide range of products and services at competitive prices. However, their policy on Tor usage may be a point of confusion for some customers.

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