

Lambda is is one of the first cloud providers to make NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs available on-demand in a public cloud.


Lambda Labs is a company that provides GPU cloud, clusters, servers, and workstations for deep learning. They offer limitless access to GPUs for deep learning and are one of the first cloud providers to make NVIDIA H100 Tensor Core GPUs available on-demand in a public cloud.

NVIDIA H100 GPUs power lambda’s on-demand cloud and offers HGX H100 systems with 8x NVIDIA H100 SXM GPUs for only $2.59/hr/GPU. With H100 SXM, users get more flexibility, enhanced scalability, high-bandwidth GPU-to-GPU communication, and optimal performance density. Lambda Cloud also has 1x NVIDIA H100 PCIe GPU instances for smaller experiments at just $1.99/hr/GPU.

In addition to their on-demand cloud, Lambda offers cloud clusters where users can reserve thousands of NVIDIA H100s with 3200 Gbps Infiniband starting at $1.89/hr. They also offer private cloud options where users can take ownership of their infrastructure with Lambda Echelon or leverage Lambda’s data center for large-scale GPU deployments and pay a monthly fee for hosting and Lambda Support.

Lambda also manages an open-source AI software stack used by more than 50,000 ML teams. This includes a one-line installation and managed upgrade path for PyTorch®, TensorFlow, CUDA, cuDNN, and NVIDIA Drivers.

Lambda has partnered with several companies in the ML industry, including Weights & Biases,, and NVIDIA. Weights & Biases helps machine learning teams build better models faster by allowing practitioners to debug, compare, and reproduce their models instantly. provides a state-of-the-art Cluster Management Platform for AI with capabilities like ML Job Scheduling, GPU Fractioning, Dynamic MIG (Multi-Instance GPU), and integration to ML tools and Data Science framework.

NVIDIA provides an end-to-end accelerated computing platform integrated across hardware and software that gives enterprises the blueprint for a robust, secure infrastructure that supports develop-to-deploy implementations across all modern workloads.

Lambda also offers a service called Lambda Demos which streamlines the process of hosting machine-learning demos. Users can host a Gradio app using their existing repository URL in just a few clicks.

Lambda Labs provides a wide range of services and options for those looking to access high-power GPUs for deep learning at competitive prices. Their on-demand cloud, cloud clusters, private cloud options, open-source AI software stack, partnerships with other companies in the ML industry, and additional services like Lambda Demos make them a strong choice for those needing GPU hosting solutions.

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