Quantum Core

Quantum Core

Quantum Core is an Australian based company that offers cheap and powerful Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Web/Reseller Hosting, and Game servers on NVMe storage.

Quantum Core

Quantum Core is an Australian-based company that offers cheap and powerful Virtual Private Servers (VPS), Web/Reseller Hosting, and Game servers on NVMe storage. They are backed by 24/7 Australian support and provide a range of services at an extremely low and competitive price.

Quantum Core’s VPS range is fast and extremely affordable, with pure NVMe Storage and CPU clock speeds of 3GHz+. They offer a variety of VPS plans, including the QUBIT-1 plan, which includes 30 GB NVMe storage, 1 CPU, 1 GB memory, and 1 TB bandwidth for $5 per month. The QUBIT-6 plan, on the other hand, includes 400 GB NVMe storage, 8 CPU, 32 GB memory, and 5 TB bandwidth for $160 per month.

In addition to VPS hosting, Quantum Core also offers Web/Reseller Hosting. Their cPanel servers come with Litespeed & Imunify, and they offer a free .AU domain on selected yearly billing packages. Their Web Hosting plans include the Hilbert 1 plan, which is perfect for small websites and includes 10GB NVMe storage, 100GB bandwidth, 24/7 support, daily backups, unlimited database, and unlimited emails for $4.00 per month.

The Hilbert 2 plan is ideal for larger websites and includes 25GB NVMe storage, 200GB bandwidth, 24/7 support, daily backups, unlimited database, and unlimited emails for $8.00 per month. They also offer a Reseller Plan perfect for small web agencies and includes 20 accounts, 20GB NVMe disk, 200GB bandwidth, daily backups, 24/7 support, and migration assistance for $25.00 per month.

Quantum Core also offers Game servers hosted on pure NVMe storage with fast memory and clock speeds of 3.8GHz+. However, they no longer accept new sign-ups for their game server products but will continue to provide and support existing game server services.

Overall, Quantum Core is a great choice for all of your Web Hosting needs. They provide a range of services at a meager and competitive price using premium hardware with Intel Gold CPUs and pure NVMe storage. Their servers are located in Equinix data centers in Sydney and Melbourne. If you’re unsure what you need or have questions about their services, they are always available to help.

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