Green Mini host

Green Mini host

Green Mini host is a specialized Mac infrastructure hosting provider that offers a range of services to help you build and test your macOS and iOS apps in a managed datacenter.

Green Mini host

Green Mini host is a specialized Mac infrastructure hosting provider that offers a range of services to help you build and test your macOS and iOS apps in a managed data center. The company is trusted by banks, enterprises, and indie developers and prides itself on its safe and reliable service.

Green Mini host offers a range of products and services to suit your needs, whether you’re looking for a single hosted Mac mini or a complete CI/CD Cloud. You can choose from dedicated server options, where Green Mini host is responsible for the hardware, or colocated server options, where you bring or buy your own Mac mini and own the hardware. The company offers custom-made Mac mini racks and can scale up from 1 to hundreds of Mac minis to meet your needs.

In addition to its Mac mini server hosting options, Green Mini host also offers Mac Studio server hosting, with options for the M1 Max and M1 Ultra models. These servers feature Apple Silicon M1 Max (ARM) or M1 Ultra (ARM) processors, with up to 20-core CPU, 48-core GPU, 32-core Neural Engine, 64GB RAM, and 1TB PCIe SSD. The company also offers Mac Pro hosting, with many configuration options available.

Green Mini host’s data centers and infrastructure are built to offer the highest uptime possible, with a core network uptime of over 99.99% in 2020. The company operates its own BGP network to ensure low latency and fast connections worldwide, and its data centers are fully redundant regarding network and power design. Your data is stored safely in Green Mini host’s EU data centers, which are 100% European-owned.

Regarding customer support, Green Mini host offers quick and personal support from dedicated staff who can answer all your questions in no time. The company also offers unlimited traffic based on Fair Use, so you don’t have to worry about high bandwidth costs or traffic bills.

Overall, Green Mini host is a reliable and flexible option for anyone looking to host their Mac infrastructure. With a range of products and services and excellent customer support and infrastructure, Green Mini host is a great choice for anyone looking to build and test their macOS and iOS apps in a managed data center. So why not get started today? You can view their products or get a free quote on their website here.

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