

CloudFly is a pioneering company in Vietnam that provides cloud computing services. It was established on April 14, 2020, and is currently operated by the iNET Software Company.


CloudFly is a pioneering company in Vietnam that provides cloud computing services. It was established on April 14, 2020, and is currently operated by the iNET Software Company. This reputable and large company operates in the domain of providing domain names, hosting, and email for businesses.

The primary service offered by CloudFly is Cloudify, a comprehensive business management solution. Cloudify helps businesses manage operations, operate seamlessly, and synchronize data on a single system. It optimizes management processes based on cloud technology, reducing the time to resolve tasks by up to five times and reducing data entry time by 80%.

CloudFly’s services are not limited to just Cloudify. They also offer high-performance cloud servers. These servers are designed to provide a robust and reliable infrastructure for businesses of all sizes. With these services, businesses can focus on their core operations while leaving the technical aspects of server management and maintenance to the experts at CloudFly.

The company is headquartered at 56 Nguyen Tri Phuong, Chinh Gian Ward, Da Nang, and Da Nang, Vietnam. Despite being relatively new, CloudFly has garnered a significant following. Their Facebook page has over 691 likes and continues to grow.

In conclusion, CloudFly is a dynamic and forward-thinking company that leverages cloud technology to provide businesses with effective solutions for their operational needs. Whether it’s comprehensive business management with Cloudify or robust server infrastructure with their cloud servers, CloudFly is committed to delivering quality and efficiency. Their growing popularity is a testament to their commitment to customer satisfaction and technological innovation.

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