Linode Akamai France Paris Shared CPU Cloud Hosting Test and Review

In this review, we’ll put the Linode Akamai France Paris Shared vCPU VPS Server under the microscope. Powered by the AMD EPYC 7713 64-Core Processor, this server boasts specifications including 2 CPU Cores, 4 GB RAM, 80 GB SSD Storage, 4 Gbps Internet Port, and a hefty 4 TB of Traffic. Furthermore, it supports both 1x IPv4 and 1x IPv6 addresses.
We’ll be strategically exploring multiple robust testing methodologies to gain a comprehensive understanding of its performance. Key metrics will be assessed using the Basic Benchmark, Yabs, and Unix Benchmark tests. We will employ the Global Node Test to investigate the server’s network prowess. Latency will be measured via the Global Ping Test for a real-world understanding of server response times.
The server’s regional accessibility will be gauged through the Media Unlock Test, while the Cloudflare Internet Test will assist in evaluating connection quality. In addition, we’ll conduct web performance evaluations leveraging tools such as PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix Performance.
About Linode
Established in 2003 by Christopher Aker, Linode carved a niche as a pioneer in the cloud hosting realm, combining the elements of Linux and node in its unique namesake. An early champion of virtual private server (VPS) hosting, Linode has directed its efforts at catering to Linux-based virtual servers to satisfy the demands of hobbyists, developers, and small to medium-sized enterprises.
Linode boasts many cloud computing offerings, including virtual machines, Kubernetes, and extensive storage options. These services are integrated into the Akamai Connected Cloud—a sprawling, global edge and cloud platform. A standout feature of Linode lies in its predictable pricing model, consistently offering a package that includes CPU, transfer, storage, and RAM at one flat rate across all its data centers.
The variety in Linode’s computing plans caters to diverse business needs, from dedicated CPU plans perfect for CPU-heavy applications to shared CPU plans striking a balance between power and performance. They also provide high memory plans ideal for memory-intensive applications, alongside premium CPU plans ensuring stable performance on dedicated resources. Further augmenting this versatile portfolio is Linode’s adeptness at meeting container orchestration needs with a fully managed Kubernetes deployment option.
Beyond its computing and storage abilities, Linode provides security solutions that robustly shield your digital ecosystem from potentially harmful threats, achieving this while maintaining speed. Delivery solutions from Linode ensure your users experience seamless, high-quality digital engagements leveraging the flexibility and scale of the Akamai Connected Cloud.
Trusted by developers around the globe since its inception, Linode continues to innovate and amplify its services with new global sites, improved performance, and expanded capabilities. Their commitment to nurturing and enriching the developer community shines through their robust resources, including one-click applications, comprehensive technical documentation, insightful developer videos, and more.
Official Website:
BasicBench: Server Profile, I/O Speed, Upload and Download Speed
CPU Model : AMD EPYC 7713 64-Core Processor
CPU Cores : 2 @ 2000.000 MHz
CPU Cache : 512 KB
AES-NI : Enabled
VM-x/AMD-V : Disabled
Total Disk : 78.2 GB (929.8 MB Used)
Total Mem : 3.8 GB (73.3 MB Used)
Total Swap : 512.0 MB (0 Used)
System uptime : 0 days, 0 hour 8 min
Load average : 0.01, 0.00, 0.00
OS : Debian GNU/Linux 11
Arch : x86_64 (64 Bit)
Kernel : 5.10.0-23-amd64
TCP CC : bbr
Virtualization : KVM
IPv4/IPv6 : Online / Online
Organization : AS63949 Akamai Connected Cloud
Location : Paris / FR
Region : Île-de-France
I/O Speed(1st run) : 1.3 GB/s
I/O Speed(2nd run) : 1.3 GB/s
I/O Speed(3rd run) : 1.5 GB/s
I/O Speed(average) : 1399.5 MB/s
Node Name Upload Speed Download Speed Latency 4194.30 Mbps 7928.75 Mbps 0.85 ms
Los Angeles, US 584.15 Mbps 5736.86 Mbps 135.88 ms
Dallas, US 746.84 Mbps 7140.86 Mbps 107.97 ms
Montreal, CA 582.37 Mbps 877.90 Mbps 89.72 ms
Paris, FR 3999.22 Mbps 4837.80 Mbps 1.49 ms
Amsterdam, NL 4240.68 Mbps 6839.07 Mbps 10.92 ms
Shanghai, CN 439.78 Mbps 3286.78 Mbps 206.49 ms
Nanjing, CN 212.96 Mbps 2797.06 Mbps 286.21 ms
Tokyo, JP 353.12 Mbps 3496.16 Mbps 221.34 ms
Finished in : 4 min 57 sec
Timestamp : 2023-09-09 01:32:36 UTC
YabsBench: Disk Speed, iperf3 Network Speed, Geekbench 6 Benchmark
IPv6 Network Information:
ISP : Akamai Technologies, Inc.
ASN : AS63949 Akamai Connected Cloud
Host : Linode
Location : Paris, Île-de-France (IDF)
Country : France
fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50):
Block Size | 4k (IOPS) | 64k (IOPS)
------ | --- ---- | ---- ----
Read | 275.97 MB/s (68.9k) | 3.37 GB/s (52.7k)
Write | 276.70 MB/s (69.1k) | 3.39 GB/s (52.9k)
Total | 552.68 MB/s (138.1k) | 6.76 GB/s (105.7k)
| |
Block Size | 512k (IOPS) | 1m (IOPS)
------ | --- ---- | ---- ----
Read | 9.03 GB/s (17.6k) | 9.14 GB/s (8.9k)
Write | 9.51 GB/s (18.5k) | 9.75 GB/s (9.5k)
Total | 18.55 GB/s (36.2k) | 18.89 GB/s (18.4k)
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv4):
Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed | Ping
Clouvider | London, UK (10G) | 521 Mbits/sec | 844 Mbits/sec | 7.63 ms
Scaleway | Paris, FR (10G) | 4.41 Gbits/sec | 6.58 Gbits/sec | 1.25 ms
NovoServe | North Holland, NL (40G) | 4.39 Gbits/sec | busy | 10.1 ms
Uztelecom | Tashkent, UZ (10G) | 1.98 Gbits/sec | 1.78 Gbits/sec | 107 ms
Clouvider | NYC, NY, US (10G) | 48.5 Mbits/sec | 69.7 Mbits/sec | 76.6 ms
Clouvider | Dallas, TX, US (10G) | 34.2 Mbits/sec | 169 Mbits/sec | 113 ms
Clouvider | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 26.4 Mbits/sec | 38.5 Mbits/sec | 141 ms
iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPv6):
Provider | Location (Link) | Send Speed | Recv Speed | Ping
Clouvider | London, UK (10G) | 519 Mbits/sec | 756 Mbits/sec | 7.62 ms
Scaleway | Paris, FR (10G) | busy | 5.56 Gbits/sec | 1.15 ms
NovoServe | North Holland, NL (40G) | busy | 6.84 Gbits/sec | 10.1 ms
Uztelecom | Tashkent, UZ (10G) | 1.43 Gbits/sec | 1.73 Gbits/sec | 107 ms
Clouvider | NYC, NY, US (10G) | busy | busy | 76.5 ms
Clouvider | Dallas, TX, US (10G) | 34.4 Mbits/sec | 97.4 Mbits/sec | 112 ms
Clouvider | Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 28.0 Mbits/sec | 41.6 Mbits/sec | 152 ms
Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
Test | Value
Single Core | 1239
Multi Core | 2249
Full Test |
YABS completed in 14 min 2 sec
UnixBench: CPU Performance, A score higher is better
Benchmark Run: Sat Sep 09 2023 02:01:53 - 02:29:52
2 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 42657785.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 7242.5 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 5058.4 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1159577.5 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 314050.8 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 3678620.4 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 2053861.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 127883.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 14354.6 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 13672.1 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 2571.0 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 2328684.7 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 42657785.5 3655.3
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 7242.5 1316.8
Execl Throughput 43.0 5058.4 1176.4
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 1159577.5 2928.2
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 314050.8 1897.6
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 3678620.4 6342.4
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 2053861.2 1651.0
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 127883.5 319.7
Process Creation 126.0 14354.6 1139.3
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 13672.1 3224.5
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 2571.0 4284.9
System Call Overhead 15000.0 2328684.7 1552.5
System Benchmarks Index Score 1924.1
Benchmark Run: Sat Sep 09 2023 02:29:52 - 02:57:51
2 CPUs in system; running 2 parallel copies of tests
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 86257731.6 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 14536.2 MWIPS (9.9 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 9839.7 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 1687813.9 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 418386.9 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5540748.3 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 4112152.9 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 607611.3 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 28491.5 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 19036.1 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 2677.9 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 4316688.3 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 86257731.6 7391.4
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 14536.2 2643.0
Execl Throughput 43.0 9839.7 2288.3
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 1687813.9 4262.2
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 418386.9 2528.0
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 5540748.3 9553.0
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 4112152.9 3305.6
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 607611.3 1519.0
Process Creation 126.0 28491.5 2261.2
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 19036.1 4489.7
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 2677.9 4463.1
System Call Overhead 15000.0 4316688.3 2877.8
System Benchmarks Index Score 3466.7
======= Script description and score comparison completed! =======
Looking Glass
Global Node Test
## CDN Speedtest
CacheFly : 425.53 MiB/s | 3404.26 Mbps | ping 0.951ms
Gdrive : 48.66 MiB/s | 389.29 Mbps | ping 0.930ms
## North America Speedtest
Softlayer, Washington, USA : 1.94 MiB/s | 15.48 Mbps | ping 78.011ms
SoftLayer, San Jose, USA : 7.78 MiB/s | 62.26 Mbps | ping 143.413ms
SoftLayer, Dallas, USA : 0 B/s | N/A | ping error!
Vultr, New Jersey, USA : 17.45 MiB/s | 139.61 Mbps | ping 81.430ms
Vultr, Seattle, USA : 14.57 MiB/s | 116.58 Mbps | ping 138.480ms
Vultr, Dallas, USA : 19.93 MiB/s | 159.41 Mbps | ping 110.724ms
Vultr, Los Angeles, USA : 13.64 MiB/s | 109.15 Mbps | ping 142.606ms
Ramnode, New York, USA : 28.24 MiB/s | 225.92 Mbps | ping 76.855ms
Ramnode, Atlanta, USA : 24.48 MiB/s | 195.83 Mbps | ping 89.686ms
## Europe Speedtest
Vultr, London, UK : 259.74 MiB/s | 2077.92 Mbps | ping 7.364ms
LeaseWeb, Frankfurt, Germany : 75.78 KiB/s | 0.59 Mbps | ping 10.056ms
Hetzner, Germany : 8.11 MiB/s | 64.89 Mbps | ping 12.461ms
Ramnode, Alblasserdam, NL : 60.13 MiB/s | 481.05 Mbps | ping 11.378ms
Vultr, Amsterdam, NL : 203.25 MiB/s | 1626.02 Mbps | ping 14.250ms
EDIS, Stockholm, Sweden : 812 B/s | N/A | ping 27.291ms
OVH, Roubaix, France : 8.33 KiB/s | 0.07 Mbps | ping 4.966ms
Online, France : 390.85 MiB/s | 3126.80 Mbps | ping 1.110ms
Prometeus, Milan, Italy : 171 B/s | N/A | ping 17.196ms
## Exotic Speedtest
Sydney, Australia : 652.15 KiB/s | 5.09 Mbps | ping 288.762ms
Lagoon, New Caledonia : 122 B/s | N/A | ping 316.608ms
Hosteasy, Moldova : 32.56 MiB/s | 260.50 Mbps | ping 44.543ms
Prima, Argentina : 314.29 KiB/s | 2.46 Mbps | ping error!
## Asia Speedtest
SoftLayer, Singapore : 3.26 MiB/s | 26.10 Mbps | ping 192.524ms
Linode, Tokyo, Japan : 7.31 MiB/s | 58.49 Mbps | ping 215.282ms
Linode, Singapore : 13.14 MiB/s | 105.16 Mbps | ping 148.997ms
Vultr, Tokyo, Japan : 3.94 MiB/s | 31.53 Mbps | ping 287.593ms
Benchmark finished in 128 seconds
Global Latency Test

Query: ping, interval: 5s, dense mode: no
Probing – ARIN /19 AS63949 AKAMAI-LINODE-AP – France, Île-de-France, Paris
Media Unlock Test
** Test Starts At: Sat 09 Sep 2023 01:55:23 AM UTC
** Checking Results Under IPv4
** Your Network Provider: Akamai Technologies (172.232.*.*)
============[ Multination ]============
Dazn: Yes (Region: FR)
HotStar: No
Disney+: No
Netflix: Originals Only
YouTube Premium: Failed
Amazon Prime Video: Yes (Region: FR)
TVBAnywhere+: Yes
iQyi Oversea Region: FR No
YouTube CDN: Frankfurt
Netflix Preferred CDN: London
Spotify Registration: No
Steam Currency: EUR
ChatGPT: Yes
** Checking Results Under IPv6
** Your Network Provider: Akamai Connected Cloud (2600:3c07::*:*)
============[ Multination ]============
Dazn: Failed (Network Connection)
HotStar: No
Disney+: Yes (Region: FR)
Netflix: Originals Only
YouTube Premium: Failed
Amazon Prime Video: Unsupported
TVBAnywhere+: Failed (Network Connection)
iQyi Oversea Region: Failed Failed
YouTube CDN: Paris
Netflix Preferred CDN: London
Spotify Registration: No
Steam Currency: Failed (Network Connection)
ChatGPT: Yes
Testing Done!
CloudFlare Internet Test

PageSpeed Insights

GTmetrix Performance

Admin Control Panel

Linode provides an intuitive Cloud Control Panel designed to streamline the management of your cloud computing services. Accessible via the Linode website, users can effortlessly log in with another service provider or sign up for a new account.
This Control Panel is more than a mere access point; it’s your command center overseeing various cloud computing tasks. With it, you can easily administer virtual machines, Kubernetes clusters, storage, and other cloud services, yielding a seamless user experience.
One of the standout features of Linode’s Control Panel is its trove of one-click apps and managed services, curated meticulously to expedite your development process. Many applications are available, featuring popular choices such as Jenkins, Django, Node.js, cPanel, Prometheus & Grafana, Splunk, and Harbor. Speed up your operations with these readily equipped options.
For those looking to deploy Kubernetes, Linode has you covered with its fully managed container orchestration engine. Efficient Kubernetes deployment is just a click away, making your container management effortless and highly productive.
One-Click App Marketplace

The Linode One-Click App Marketplace is a flexible platform curated to streamline the deployment of software and apps via the Linode Cloud Manager. After logging into your Linode Cloud Manager account, you’re just a click away from the Marketplace button in the left-hand navigation menu. This repository encompasses many pre-configured apps and services, featuring popular choices like WordPress, Minecraft, and GitLab.
The One-Click feature empowers you to launch new Linodes equipped with ready-to-use apps and services quickly. Should the default configuration fall short of your requirements, the platform affords the flexibility to tailor the app’s resources, location, and metadata, among other aspects, even during creation. Furthermore, the Cloud Manager offers a user-friendly interface to efficiently manage and monitor your compute instances from a consolidated dashboard.
Introduced in 2020, the Linode One-Click App Marketplace exists as a complimentary hub promoting the direct connection between creators of third-party solutions and open-source applications and the robust community of almost a million Linode developers and business patrons.
This Marketplace simplifies locating and implementing pre-configured applications onto your Linode infrastructure for developers. A vibrant ecosystem of developer tools spanning websites, app frameworks, and databases is at your fingertip. These can be deployed instantly with a simple click, expediting the development process.
Server Pricing

Linode presents a diverse suite of cloud computing solutions, out of which their shared CPU plans strike an impressive balance between power and performance. These economical plans are an excellent choice for various applications, from development and staging servers to low-traffic websites, personal blogs, and production applications with resilience to resource contention.
Starting as low as $5 per month, you can avail Linode’s Nanode 1GB plan, a compact package delivering 1GB of RAM, 1 vCPU core, 25GB of storage, and 1TB of transfer. This is an affordable proposition for those dabbling in less demanding applications or those embarking on their cloud journey.
As your needs intensify, Linode ensures your growth is unhampered, with pricing commensurately scaling up with your server requirements. The supreme tier in the shared CPU plan is the formidable Linode 192GB offering, priced at $1,152 monthly. This powerhouse packs 192GB of RAM, 32 vCPU cores, 3,840GB of storage, and a colossal 20TB of data transfer, making it an ideal solution for applications necessitating significant resources and superior performance.
Official Website:
Linode offers many payment options for its services, including major credit cards, Google Pay, and even Bitcoin, catering to various user preferences.
Whenever an invoice is created, the default payment method associated with your account will be automatically debited within a few hours. However, if you desire to pay in advance, the process is quite straightforward under the ‘Make a One-Time Payment’ option.
Here’s a step-by-step guide for making a one-time payment:
- Start by navigating to the ‘Billing Info’ page within the Cloud Manager.
- The ‘ Make a Payment ‘ button is located on the top right of the page — give it a click to open the ‘Make a Payment’ panel.
- In the ‘Payment Amount’ field, stipulate the amount you wish to contribute to your account.
- If you choose to pay with a saved payment method, select it from the ‘Payment Methods’ section and confirm by clicking the ‘Pay Now’ button.
- Click on the provided PayPal button to utilize your desired method. This action will open PayPal’s payment form, where you can securely log in to your PayPal account and designate your preferred payment method.
- Click the Google Pay button to introduce a new Google Pay method. This launches Google’s payment form, where you can sign in to your Google account and define your preferred payment option.
Please note that your payment might take a few minutes to reflect in your account. Should you encounter any challenges in paying your Linode bill, do not hesitate to contact their customer support. They are more than ready to help resolve your payment concerns.
Free trial with a $100 credit for 60 days
When you sign up for Linode, you can start your free 60-day trial if you meet the eligibility requirements. You’ll need to provide a credit card to verify your identity, but don’t worry – you won’t be charged or billed during your trial period. Take advantage of this generous offer and try out Linode’s powerful cloud hosting platform today!
Customer Support
Linode is steadfast in ensuring its users receive comprehensive customer support. They proffer a sterling 24/7/365 customer service model devoid of call tiers — a testament to their dedication to unhindered assistance. Whether you have inquiries about your account, settings, invoices, or payments, their knowledgeable team is at your service anytime.
For shared wisdom and discussion, the enriching online forums act as a platform where users, industry experts, and Linode’s support team exchange insights, experiences, and solutions. If you need dedicated help, opening a support ticket associates you with their award-winning service team comprising highly-trained professionals who strive to provide resolution without interrupting tiers, bots, or hand-offs.
If access to your account is compromised, there is a user-friendly form on their website to facilitate contact. Moreover, for a seamless experience, it’s advisable to open a ticket with their Support team via the Cloud Manager. If you’ve misplaced your credentials, recovery and reset procedures are straightforward.
For traditional telephonic interaction, Linode offers daily round-the-clock phone support. Customers within the U.S. can dial 855-454-6633, while those outside can reach them at +1-609-380-7100. They also provide the flexibility of Email support at [email protected], which can be used for general inquiries or account recovery logistics.
We put the Linode Akamai France Paris Shared vCPU VPS Server to a comprehensive evaluation in this assessment. Powered by the AMD EPYC 7713 64-Core Processor, this server has 2 CPU Cores, 4 GB RAM, 80 GB SSD Storage, a 4 Gbps Internet Port, and a generous 4 TB of Traffic. Crucially, it supports both 1x IPv4 and 1x IPv6 addresses.
Our first scrutiny was of the server’s I/O speed. Consistent high speeds were observed in multiple runs, averaging 1399.5 MB/s. After that, upload and download speeds to different geographical locations were measured. Impressively, speeds were robust domestically and internationally, ensuring seamless data interchange across the globe. Subsequently, we performed the fio Disk Speed Tests. The server yielded stellar results, with total R/W speeds for blocks of different sizes demonstrating outstanding performance.
The Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test further revealed the server’s computation prowess, with a single-core score of 1239 and a multi-core score of 2249. To give an overview of the overall system performance, we proceeded to UnixBench tests.
The Dhrystone and Whetstone scores that evaluate integer and floating-point performance, respectively, were remarkable. The file copy operations showcased the server’s ability to handle data-intensive tasks with aplomb. The server showed excellent process creation rates and shell script executions, demonstrating its competency in handling many simultaneous tasks.
The Linode Akamai Paris VPS server exhibits excellent speed and computational efficiency performance. Its robust specifications and impressive results from our in-depth testing signify its readiness to handle various intensive applications. The powerful hardware, versatile networking, and excellent data handling make this server an exemplary choice for businesses requiring high-performance virtual private servers.
Official Website: