With over 15 years of experience, and a range of hosting services to suit every budget and business plan, your servers are in safe hands with BudgetVM.

BudgetVM is a leading provider of hosting and virtualization solutions. They provide their customers with advanced tools to deploy, manage, and maintain their products and services. This, coupled with their strategic relationships, allows them to provide the most reliable solutions at the best value.
BudgetVM offers a range of server solutions, including Dedicated Servers, Cloud Servers, Private Clouds, and VPS Servers. Their server solutions are not just for building websites! With BudgetVM, you can keep all your digital assets and services running smoothly.
Dedicated Servers provide you with private or web-based applications that are the ultimate in performance, reliability, and security, all tailored and optimized specifically to your requirements. They are ideal when your application requires optimum IO performance, large memory, or processing resources.
Cloud Servers offer the power and performance of a dedicated server at a reduced cost, with the ability to scale when needed. They are ideal for dynamic applications that need an affordable, scalable, and highly accessible solution with dedicated resources.
Private Clouds offer all the benefits of using cloud servers but with custom hardware and infrastructure dedicated to your business for even better performance. They are ideal for guaranteed resource availability, low costs, and the best flexibility, accessibility, and security.
VPS Servers are their most cost-effective solution for your web-based or private application. They utilize the same technology as their Cloud Server Solutions with fewer resources and a lower cost. They are ideal for applications with lower resource requirements and tighter budget constraints.
BudgetVM offers fast deployment with an average server deployment time of under 10 minutes. Your Dedicated Server will be protected against DDOS attacks by their 1,800+ Gbps Denial of Service Mitigation system. BudgetVM Dedicated Servers are powered by their 2,000 Gbps network to ensure blazing-fast connectivity. They offer 32- and 64-bit versions of CentOS, Windows 2008/2012/2016/2019, Debian, Scientific Linux, Ubuntu, Proxmox, XenServer, VMware ESXi, and many more operating systems.