

Pagely is a managed WordPress hosting provider that offers a range of services to help businesses and individuals build and manage their WordPress websites.


Pagely is a managed WordPress hosting provider that offers a range of services to help businesses and individuals build and manage their WordPress websites. Pagely’s services include website hosting, security, backups, and performance optimization.

One of the key features of Pagely is its user-friendly Atomic control panel, which allows users to manage various aspects of their Pagely account, including adding additional users (known as Collaborators), viewing and changing billing information, accessing performance data, creating and managing WordPress sites (commonly referred to as apps), managing DNS records, generating, importing, and managing SSL certificates, managing cache and CDN data, and submitting support tickets.

Pagely offers a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. Here are the details of their pricing plans:

  • Performance: This plan costs $499 per month and includes 2 vCPU, 4 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD storage, no cap on PHP workers, decoupled database resources, managed DevOps and support, and flexible configuration.
  • Performance+: This plan costs $999 per month and includes 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 50 GB SSD storage, no cap on PHP workers, decoupled database resources, managed DevOps and support, and flexible configuration.
  • Scale: This plan starts at $2500 per month and includes custom CPU, custom RAM, custom SSD storage, no cap on PHP workers, dedicated database resources, managed DevOps and support, and flexible configuration.

In addition to its hosting services, Pagely provides a wealth of information and resources to help users get the most out of their WordPress websites. For example, Pagely’s knowledge base includes a beginner-friendly introduction to WordPress that explains what WordPress is, how it works, and how it can be used to build a wide variety of websites.

Pagely also offers resources on topics such as retargeting, which is the process of advertising specifically to visitors and customers who have expressed an interest in your product, service, or brand.

Overall, Pagely is a comprehensive solution for anyone building and managing a WordPress website. Its user-friendly interface, range of services, and wealth of resources make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced users.

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