Web Host Pro

Web Host Pro

Web Host Pro is a web hosting company that was established in 2001. It was originally called DWHS (Domain Web Hosting Service) and was founded by James Gardner and Charles Yarbrough in Los Angeles.

Web Host Pro

Web Host Pro is a web hosting company that was established in 2001. It was originally called DWHS (Domain Web Hosting Service) and was founded by James Gardner and Charles Yarbrough in Los Angeles. The two entrepreneurs had met in 1998 and discussed their online businesses. They both concluded that it was difficult, if not impossible, to find good, reliable web hosting from real people. In 2001, they partnered up to start DWHS in hopes of offering a stable web hosting service with personal support and transparency.

By 2003, DWHS was out of the red and made a small profit. By not overextending themselves and focusing on steady, moderate growth, they got an amazing word-of-mouth push. This allowed DWHS in 2006 to become part owner of a data center in downtown LA. Having a cutting-edge data center at their fingertips gave them much freedom to experiment with server and network configurations. This led to them getting their first award for fastest web hosting in 2006 by Netsol. Entrepreneur magazine also rated them in the top 100 .net domains for dwhs.net on the Internet.

Web Host Pro offers various web hosting services, including cPanel hosting, website builder, reseller hosting, VPS hosting, dedicated servers, and domain registration. Their web hosting solutions are designed to empower users to create and manage their online presence without the complexities of server administration. They cater to a wide range of users, from beginners looking to establish their first website to more experienced users who prefer streamlined hosting, VPS, or dedicated experience. Users can easily upgrade their hosting plans as their website grows without complex migrations.

Security features such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and malware scanning are included to help protect websites from cyber threats. The hosting platform handles updates to server software, security patches, and even CMS updates automatically, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities due to outdated software. The company utilizes cPanel, the most popular web hosting control panel. This interface allows users to manage their websites, domains, emails, databases, and other features through a visually intuitive dashboard.

Web Host Pro provides one-click installers for popular website platforms and content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. This simplifies setting up a website by automatically handling the installation and initial configuration. A drag-and-drop website builder is also available, which enables users to create professional-looking websites and E-commerce without writing code. Users can choose from pre-designed templates and customize them to their needs.

Web Host Pro also offers domain registration and management features. Users can purchase and link domain names to their websites seamlessly. DNS management is also included with all web hosting packages when a domain is connected. The company has guaranteed 99% network uptime since it started in 2001. They have expediently upgraded their network over time, forming one of the world’s most reliable and fast connections.

Web Host Pro has been advancing its web hosting services since its inception to be the most reliable and fast with unmatched personal support. It is one of the world’s most trusted premium web hosting companies, hosting millions of domains since it started in 2001. With in-house webmasters providing fantastic 24/7 support, Web Host Pro is the best choice for demanding businesses, personal websites, or Fortune 500 websites. Sign up now with Web Host Pro and be online within minutes! 😊

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